And with that, Chapter 2 is over! I finally found those posters for the background. I’ll show you those at some point. Originally Published April 11, 2019
Chapter 2
I apologize for the posters in the background, I think the jpeg got corrupted. Originally published April 4, 2019
Friday electives time! Since this is the music class, they get to play music all day. This is also where they get their instrument lessons. It may not sound like a normal high school, and that’s exactly right! With charter[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I took some liberties. By some, I mean quite a few. Hope Wilkus enjoys that haircut. What a flawless transition. Originally Published March 21, 2019
And here’s the performance! Enjoy your tacos, because Whitney hasn’t had any. Originally Published March 7, 2019
And FINALLY, the Engirls take the stage and begin their song. Will Whitney’s song be good? Can Fiona follow along? Will Gwen get over her debilitating stage fright? Originally Published February 28, 2019
I apologize for the day late page, but I felt like adding some stuff in the background. New job is going well! Originally Published February 22, 2019
Happy Valentines Day! Sorry for the week long delay, I recently got a new job and I’ve been adapting my schedule to it. Hope you have a nice day and don’t eat too much ice cream! Originally Published February 14,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In hindsight, I should probably spend my time and budget more on making sure this looks good. Or I should go Black and White. Save printer money… Anyway, here’s a cover that Weezer probably did Originally Published January 31, 2019